Please note dates changes.

Call for Art
Exhibition Dates: April 15 – May 18, 2025
The Colony Theatre
555 N. 3rd St.
Burbank, CA 91502
Exhibit runs through the productions of
The Secret Comedy of Women
Submission Deadline:
Monday March 24, midnite
Wednesday, March 26 – by 7p
This is a California Creative Arts hosted show. Members receive priority. If you are not a member, you can join here. We are a nonprofit. Your membership fee is tax deductible, and you keep 100% of your sales.
- No fee to apply
- Hanging fee is $25 for up to two pieces; 2nd piece depends on space.
- Membership or one time participation fee after acceptance into the show required.
- Local drop off ONLY
Non-members, if accepted, must become a member or pay a one-time participation fee of $40 (it’s only $10 more for a one-year membership).
All art must be wired to hang. No sawtooth. Maximum size approximately 24″ x 36.” A little bigger in one direction is OK.
This is a public space. Subject matter must be family-friendly (no explicit nudity, profanity, violence or explicit religious content).
Participation Fee
Members: No fee
Non-members: $40 participation fee
Hanging Fee
$25 for up to two pieces; 2nd piece depends on space. If not paid by the deadline, the next artist on the list will be invited into the show. Hanging fees must be paid by Friday March 21, midnite.
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: Monday, March 24, midnite
- Notifications: Wednesday, March 26, 6p
- Hanging fee due: Friday March 28, midnite
- Drop off ONLY: Monday April 14, 5p-6:30p*
- Pick-Up: Monday May 19, 5p-6:30p**
* Please note this is the day/time the theatre has given us access to the gallery. We may accommodate a later pick-up that evening, please contact us to arrange.
** If you cannot pick up your art, you must send someone to pick it up for you. Do not rely on volunteers to store your art for you.
The Gallery is open during shows times. See website for schedule.
Apply Now
If you are looking for information for “Visual Voices” click HERE